Peering Eyes of the Darkness – by Chloe Rich

The placid aura of the city night gave Stella chills as she walked along the cracking sidewalk. With everything blurred and smudged from the wet droplets pouring from the grey clouds above, the city looked like a watercolor painting . The buildings reflected the barely lit streetlight glow back into the air of the cold…

The MMHS Hall of Fame – by Jacob Brahm & Patrick Deary

The Memorial Hall of Fame was first created in 1994 by the MMHS Assembly Committee which was a student group made up of more than 300 students. “We were thinking, well what else could we do, what doesn’t exist here” said Ted Menswar, a retired English teacher here at Memorial who, at the time of…

MMHS is Feeling the Bern! – by Jacob Hurley

Political apathy is the thing tearing this country apart. As more and more young people fail to vote, the result is that a large percentage of the population remains unrepresented. The people that do vote end up choosing our leaders in the Congress, Presidency, and State, but if all the people that didn’t went out…

The Museum of Fine Arts Field Trip – by Tanner Murray

Egyptian, Roman, Persian, and Greek. All forms of culture observed on Mrs. Nice’s Boston Museum of Fine Arts field trip on October 23. The attendees consisted of both former and current World History students. At the museum the students gathered with their groups and waited for the museum to open. Once inside most groups ascended…