The Future of Memorial : by TuAnh Duong

     In the slew of news that comes out in today’s world, we often get “misguided” or “mislead” from what we see and hear on our TVs, phones, newspapers, and from even our own friends. This could certainly be said when it comes to the future of Memorial High School. Now, yes we have…

FRC Team 238’s Season: by Eve Brown-Ryder

After a long season of competition, Memorial’s For Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology  (FIRST) Robotics team set a school record by reaching the semi-finals of their division in the World Championship held in Detroit over school vacation week. Memorial’s FIRST Robotics Competition (FRC) team, 238 Crusaders, had six weeks to plan, program, and…

National School Walk-Out: Eve Brown-Ryder

On March 14th, there was a national school walk-out in response to a recent spike in gun violence. According to a group of anonymous students who participated in the walk-out here at Memorial, our walk out was treated it as more of a break from class than a political stand by many.   Participant A,…

Parkland School Shooting Q&A: by Tu Anh Duong

1.) Upon hearing the tragedy that occurred in Florida, what was your initial reaction? Delia C. – 10th Grade My initial reaction was pure disgust and horror, but honestly, as horrible as it sounds, it sounded like a typical event in the U.S. Events like these, although truly terrible and traumatizing, it has become normalized…